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Nixall Making Waves at Oaklawn Park

Nixall Making Waves at Oaklawn Park

untitledAs the race meet heats up at Oaklawn Park, Nixall is heating up as well.  The product has really started to catch on throughout the meeting, and legendary horseman Don Von Hemel has had nothing but kind words to say about Nixall and it’s benefits towards horses.

“Ribbon Box cut himself while training on the back of the pastern.  My assistant Wade sprayed Nixall Vet Response on the wound and was amazed at how fast the cut healed, hair grew back, and no scar was present.  Wade also commented he likes Nixall because it does not hurt the horse when you apply it.  Ribbon Box is entered to run Saturday at Oaklawn Park.”


The horses aren’t the only ones that Nixall can help.  Keegan Murray, exercise rider for Kelly Von Hemel, has enjoyed the Nixall product.  He uses the product on a personal level.

“Nixall first aid really works.  Some of the horses you ride, you really have to grip with your legs and you get burns on the inside of your legs.  I spary Nixall and it immediately took the burn away and took care of the problem.  I not only ride, but I clean equipment and am always using my hands.  I got a blister on the inside of my palm.  I sprayed Nixall and it took the burn away and the blister never bothered me.  I love it.”

Nixall is a must have product that every horsemans needs…not only for their horses but for their personal use as well.  To purchase Nixall products on line click here.  For more information about Nixall contact Jill Neleman by phone at (712) 304-0261 or by email at

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