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Oaklawn Picks for 1/14/12

Oaklawn Picks for 1/14/12

Race 1: #2 Holy Dreamer (best longshot)
Race 2: #6 Gameday News
Race 3: #10 Sunday Sunrise
Race 4: #4 Beer Drinkin Shari
Race 5: #6 Chalybeate Springs
Race 6: #4 Deflationary Fears
Race 7: #11 Outta Tune
Race 8: #4 Now I Know (best bet)
Race 9: #5 Sweet Anderson

Pick 3 Races 4-6: 4,10 with 4,5,6 with 3,4
Pick 3 Race 7-9: 4,11 with 3,4,5 with 5,9

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