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Turn $27 into $1 Million Playing Fantasy Football

Turn $27 into $1 Million Playing Fantasy Football

You read the title correctly, this Sunday you can turn $27 into $1 million playing fantasy football at DraftKings!  We have partnered up with DraftKings, the largest, US-based online gaming destination (and now name-in-title sponsor of the $1 million DraftKings Breeders’ Cup Filly & Mare Sprint), offering a deal where by playing fantasy football you can literally become a millionaire. One lineup. One Sunday. One million. Don’t worry, it’s 100% legal. Click on any of these links and find the “Millionaire Maker” icon at the top left to play!

Don’t want to spend $27 to play? No problem! DraftKings has satellite tournaments running daily for as little as $2 to enter (FREE with first deposit) to earn yourself a spot in the big show on Sunday.

– $2,200,000 prize pool.
First place wins $1,000,000.
– $27 entry fee.
Top 15,500 are paid.​
– Starts October, 19th at 1:00 EST.
– Salary Cap Style Drafting. $50,000 to select 9 spots. 8 players and 1 defense.
– Roster Format: 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 Flex, 1 Defense.
– First time depositors at DraftKings receive a 100% bonus up to $600

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If you’re not interested in winning a win a $1 million (yeah right) then try playing to win a Breeders’ Cup World Championships VIP Package including a $500,000 Breeders’ Cup Betting Challenge seat!

Trust us, you can’t buy this package anywhere, so this is incredibly exclusive. You must be 21 or older and able to travel to Santa Anita Park, CA Oct 30 – Nov 2. We play every weekend trying to win ourselves! Sign up now and play with us! Click on any of these links and find the “Breeders’ Cup VIP Experience” on the drop down under “Promotions” at the top right to play!

Buy-in directly for $109 or win tickets for as little as $2!
– First time depositors at DraftKings receive a 100% bonus up to $600
– 1st Place wins entry into the $109 Breeders’ Cup league, which will be the following week.
– Satellite League Starts on Sunday, September, 21st at 1:00 EST.
– Salary Cap Style Drafting. $50,000 to select 9 spots. 8 players and 1 defense.BreedersCup_2014WorldChamp_Logo_Date_RGB
– Roster Format: 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 Flex, 1 Defense.

Exclusive VIP Package ($14,500 Value) Includes:
– 3 Nights stay at the Westin Pasedena (10/30-11/2)
– Seats in the exclusive Trophy Lounge
– Exclusive access to Paddock and Winner’s Circle
– Invite to private Thursday night kick-off party
– $1,000 for Airfare and Transfers
– One entry in the $500,000 Breeders’ Cup Betting Challenge ($10,000 value)

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