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Songbird and Cathryn Sophia Finally Clash in Grade 1 Cotillion

Songbird and Cathryn Sophia Finally Clash in Grade 1 Cotillion

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#5 Songbird – The Champion puts her perfect 10 for 10 record on the line again as she faces the toughest field of her career this time.  All the way back in February horse racing fans were dreaming of a Cathryn Sophia vs. Songbird match up in the Kentucky Oaks, but Songbird missed the Oaks with a fever.  Cathryn Sophia of course went on to win the Oaks, but hasn’t looked quite as good since winning aside from her walk over at Parx last time out.  Songbird on the other hand got healthy and dominated the division at Saratoga this summer, but on Saturday we finally get to see the match up we’ve been wanting to see!  Cathryn Sophia must take it to Songbird early and try to wear her down, but this will not be an easy task.  Songbird is so superior to everyone else in this division, and should make it 11 for 11 on Saturday.

Horses to Use in Multi Race Wagers

#1 Carina Mia – We’ve already seen that she is no match for Songbird, but what if today she doesn’t have to do the dirty work?  With Cathryn Sophia in the race perhaps she can be the one to put some pressure on Songbird with Carina Mia sitting off the lead this time and waiting to pounce.  Under that scenario an upset is much more likely.  Although I’m not calling for it…I still do believe there is enough of a chance for it to happen to include Carina Mia on your Pick 4 tickets.  It will take a perfect set up, but it’s not impossible.  Carina Mia is a high quality horse that has the ability to make a run if the champ is leg weary at the end.

Exotic Plays

#4 Land Over Sea – If the pace gets hot up front this horse could definitely come running at the end and grab a piece of things to help your exotic payouts underneath.  She hasn’t ran all that well as of late, but got a little break after they experimented with her on the turf last time out and might come back firing fresh.  I see no way even if the speed does completely fall apart that she can win, but I expect her to run well and hit the board here.

Party Crashers

#2 Cathryn Sophia – I’ve put her in this spot because in many ways I feel as though she’ll be an “all or nothing” type of horse in this race.  I’m not sure she is as good as Carina Mia, and I certainly don’t think she is as good as Songbird.  However, on big days at Parx in the past speed has held very well, and she might be able to get a tactical advantage breaking from the inside and going towards the lead right away.  She might also, and perhaps more likely, will get ran into the ground by Songbird.  Her presence in the race makes the pace dynamic with Songbird interesting and might let a horse like Carina Mia sit off the lead and have a chance.

Throw Outs

#3 Disco Rose – Seems to be in this race just to fill out the field as there is no way she can compete at this level.  Just one win in her lifetime out of fifteen tries, and this will be her first graded stakes race.

#6 Queen Esther – Ran last time in the Princess of Sylmar Stake which looked to be a race she was ready for, but struggled in a big way and finished fourth.  Not sure the logic in wheeling her back against this type of competition off that effort.

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