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Churchill Downs Show Parlay 6-16-12

Churchill Downs Show Parlay 6-16-12

This is probably the most fun you can have as a group at the track or your local OTB.  What is it?  Show parlay.  It works like this:  Have each person ante up a set amount and pool the money.  Place the first bet using the pool of money on a horse to show, and if you win, parlay ALL of the money on the next race and horse.  Your winnings can add up very quickly.  Back in April at the Arkansas Derby, the Dudes and few friends turned  $40 into $400 in a matter of a five races.  It’s all about staying alive!  If you happen to miss one, don’t be afraid, ante up and start the roll again.  Good luck!

Alternation wins the 2012 Pimlico Special over a fast-closing Nehro

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Race 4: 3

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Race 6: 7

Race 7: 5

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Race 9: 7

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Race 11: 11

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