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Winning Big: Parallels Between Horse Racing Betting and Online Casinos

Winning Big: Parallels Between Horse Racing Betting and Online Casinos

We have one interesting trivia for you. Do you know who’s the highest-paid athlete of all time? If you’re thinking of some contemporary name like Michael Jordan or Christiano Ronaldo, you would be so wrong. This guy lived over 2000 years ago. Yes, the highest-paid athlete lived in the Roman Empire and is often regarded by historians as the richest athlete ever. Gaius Appuleius Diocles was his name. And he raced chariots. It is estimated that he earned more than 35,863 kilograms of gold throughout his 25-year-long career, which is worth around $15 billion in today’s currency. This shows you two things. First, chariot racing was incredibly popular, and there was a lot of money involved. So, chariots, horse racing betting, and online casinos. A weird bunch, right? Read on.

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Symbiotic Relationship of Horse Racing and Betting

Horse racing a long history. Enjoying equal popularity in ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece. It is believed to have begun around the time when humans first domesticated horses. Initially, horse racing was a pastime enjoyed by the elite, the aristocracy and royalty who engaged in both participation and betting. As time passed horse racing evolved to become more inclusive, opening up to the public. The formalization of racetracks in England during the 17th centuries played a role in increasing its appeal. With British influence spreading over centuries, horse racing and its accompanying betting traditions reached various parts of the world, such as the United States, Australia and Asia.

Horse racign and betting go hand in hand, creating a knit bond between the two. The sport’s popularity owes much to betting. In fact, it would be interesting to analyze if horse racing would even become this popular without the betting component. Spectators not only get to witness fast-paced racing but also participate by placing wagers on their predicted winners. Undoubtedly, betting is a significant source of revenue for the industry. It’s not only bets placed at the track but also through online platforms and even casino partnerships. The betting aspect of horse racing adds a new layer of complexity that makes it even harder to separate from one another.

Where do Online Casinos Fit In?

Online casinos have further revolutionized the world of horse racing and betting. This was done not only by bringing the sportsbook platform online but also by using horse racing as inspiration for many themed casino titles, especially slots. Brands like Casino Days love them because these are often among the most popular titles and often end up getting featured on the casino days games page. Some online casinos also offer virtual horse racing, where players can place bets on simulated races. These races use the random number generator algorithm to create random outcomes, but in a visually appealing way. Simulations are getting seriously impressive these days.

So why do online casinos, which primarily deal with casino games like slots and table games, have a surprising connection to horse racing? It’s likely because both industries share common traits. Horse racing requires a bit of luck for success, and so does casino gaming. Both involve money, risk and strategy. Seemingly unrelated industries that compliment each other.

Unexpected Leverage That Works

As you can see, it’s more than just making sports betting available online. The platform’s convenience and the game titles’ quality ensure that online casinos attract a broader audience, including those who may not have otherwise considered betting on horse racing. Technology will certainly help horse racing and betting grow further. We already have collaborations between technology companies and racecourses to streamline the betting process.

The use of advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Big Data will make betting more precise while improving the overall spectator experience. Sound like a cliché, we know, but that’s where the world is heading, and the world of sports is not immune to digitalization and the use of data. Does it kill the soul of the sport? Some argue it does, but we would beg to differ. Because, objectively, todays sports are more fun to watch. It’s more dynamic, more engaging, and simply more interesting. And that is, for the most part, thanks to technology that enables better training, supplements, food and insights than ever before. If you love sports, you have to love technology.